Here is a brief overview, if you suddenly find you are assigned a 321

This is unofficial data, for general information only !!

Take off -- Slight backpressure to rotate.  Let it fly off, then set to target pitch.
                  Do Not rotate early !!
                  Do Not over-rotate !!
                     -- At heavy weights, Auto Flap Retraction may occur as you accelerate. 
                     -- This may catch you by surprise on occasion.
                     -- Just realize it is normal, and as usual, still call for Flaps 0, at S speed or above.
                     -- This is a good briefing item for departure.

Landing -- Sight picture about the same as the 320
                   Less Flare at the end, just enough to break the descent.
                   But, don't flare too late either.
                   Do Not hold it off trying to get a "Greaser".  (Tail Strike Caution)
                   If you get a true bounce, Go - Around, don't try to save it. (Tail Strike Caution)

Cruise -----  Expect lower initial filed altitudes than you are used to, due to weight on longer flights.
                     Declare Minimum Fuel at EFOB ---- :45  (Verify :45 in DIAFRIPS INIT B - FINAL FUEL)
                     Declare Emergency Fuel at EFOB -- :30

Descents --  Plan your descents early.  If you are heavy, and near the Max Rec altitude, your
                    margin between Vls and Vmax will be thin.  In this condition it is easy to overspeed, and the
                    Speed Brake won't help either as it will increase Vls.

                    Once you get to a lower altitude, like the 320, the margin will widen, and you have room to
                    maneuver.  Full Speed brakes are available with the autopilot on.  

23 Feet longer
8 doors unarmed at gate (There are no overwing exits that stay armed as on the A320)
Tail swings wider than wingtip
91' feet of pavement to do a 180
All with Sharklets
All with RA1 software

Max Taxi .......................... 207,014 lbs
Max T/O .......................... 206,132
Max Landing .................... 171,500
Max ZFW ......................... 162,701
Min Weight .....................  104,720

The maximum combined total of adults and children in each zone are as follows:
If you get an error, you have exceeded the max for that zone !!

High Density Aircraft (Non-Mint = 200 Total, 34 Rows)
Zone A - 52  (Rows  1 - 9) (example;  If Zone A is full with 1 child, it should be 51 Adults + 1 Child)
Zone B - 36  (Rows 10-15)
Zone C - 40  (Rows 16-22)
Zone D - 36  (Rows 23-28)
Zone E - 36  (Rows 29-34)

High Density Aircraft (Non-Mint = 190 Total, 32 Rows)
Zone A - 53  (Rows  1 - 9)  (example;  If Zone A is full with 1 child, it should be 52 Adults + 1 Child)
Zone B - 24  (Rows 10-13)
Zone C - 48  (Rows 14-21)
Zone D - 11  (Rows 22-23)
Zone E - 54  (Rows 24-32) 

Low Density Aircraft (Mint =
159 Total, 29 Rows)
Zone A - 16  (Rows  1 - 5)   (example;  If Zone A is full with 1 child, it should be 15 Adults + 1 Child)
Zone B - 30  (Rows  6-10)  
Zone C - 42  (Rows 11-17)  
Zone D - 11  (Rows 18-19)  
Zone E - 60  (Rows 20-29)

RDR-4000 Weather RADAR
Most A321 and newer A320 aircraft will have this new Honeywell RADAR installed.
Set it ... and, forget it, ALMOST !!!
The complete guide is in MyMobile365 > Collections > FLT A320/A320 Publications.
The 3 top switches are the primary controls.
Avoid the constant use of PATH, it does not look at FMGC planned path.
MAP is a good way to test for returns, and detect shadows.
Ground clutter is filtered out.
There is no tilt.
Surface to 60,000' is constantly scanned.
Windshear and RADAR power is on a single switch (WXR/PWS)
First Officers - This is the switch you turn ON after the flight control check.

If you need the RADAR -- CAPT & F/O switches to ALL
                                  -- WXR/PWS verify switch is already set to 1

Turn OFF the RADAR & PWS after landing -- All 3 switches -- (OFF - OFF - OFF)
Note: If both Display switches are OFF and WXR/PWS switch is on -- RADAR is not transmitting
         This would be the normal setup cruising along on a clear day --- (OFF - 1 - OFF)


Seatbelt Sign - Auto Position

On A321 N903 and up, the Fasten Seat Belt switch now has an Auto function.
Auto will turn off the FSB sign, unless the gear is down or Flaps leave the up position.
There are other activities that will also turn ON the FSB sign in Auto.
UFN, Current SOP is to just use the On or Off position.

900' all other phases  
FMS Visuals is the main concern here, AP off at 900' + Elevation
Not a big deal in SFO
LGA RNAV 31 Visual, AP off during the turn to final is more difficult for the F/O to see

S/E Cat II Autoland 
A320 ... Full Flaps Only
A321 ... Config 3 or Full
Single Rvs during auto rollout 
Classic 320 A/C ...... No limitation
Sharklet ................. Idle Only
A321 ..................... Xwind Less or equal to 15K AND Idle Only

So, the above means the A321 can do a S/E Cat II Auto Rollout:
1. Idle Rev Thrust Only 
2. Flaps 3 or Full

Flap Speeds
1 ....... 235
2 ....... 215
3 ...... 195
Full ....190

Fuel Imbalance ... The 321 and all sharklet aircraft have different imbalance limitations.  Refer to the QRH.
321 imbalance for Takeoff is only 882 lbs.

Speed Brakes
Full is available with AP on
Inhibited with Flaps 3 or Full

ECON Pack Flow
ON when fewer than 140 Customers  (Mint Aircraft -- 115, same as the A320)

Fuel System
It is important to understand the fuel differences, as there is a lot of fuel transferring going on.
Understand the differences in the Fault Warnings
41.2 Usable (without the ACT installed)  (80 lbs less usable than the A320)
No Outer tanks to transfer
Cabin air is fed to ACT 1 & 2 to provide transfer head pressure.
A backup elect pump is used if needed.
ACT 2  transfers to CTR, then
ACT 1  transfers to CTR.
CTR  motive flow pumped to wings.  (Wing pumps provide the motive flow pressure)
Wings elect pumped to engines.
All fuel feed comes from Wing Tanks (Ctr Transfers to wings via jet pumps)
Green Arrow = Valves Open
Fuel Panel CTR pumps now read Xfer
Mode ....... Dark ... Xfer Valves Auto (Normal)
Man ......... Valves operated by switches 
Fault ........ CTR more than 550, Either wing under 11,000
Xfer Switch ....... Fault ... Wing Tank is overflowing, ECAM Also
                         OFF .... Xfer Valve Closed
Manual Mode Caution ... Xfer switches OFF when wings tanks are full or CTR empty
                                   Easy to overflow tanks, monitor carefully
2 ACT Tanks
Extra 5200 lbs each
Center tank must be full,if scheduled for any ACT fuel (Unless relief provided by an MEL)
Transfers to Ctr Tanks after slat retraction
ACT 2 used first, then ACT 1
ACT Switches ... Dark ... ACT Valves Auto (Normal)
                        FWD ... Manually transfers fuel to CTR (Valve, Valve, Elect backup Pump)
                        Fault ... CTR less than 6614, ACT more than 550

Popular Fuel System Oral Question:

If both electric fuel pumps are inop in the left wing tank ... and all tanks including 2 ACTs, are full ...
1. Can all the fuel be used assuming no other failures?
2. If YES, Explain how and in what order fuel is fed to the engines while remaining in balance.
3. If NO, Explain why not.

(If you can answer this question, you understand the A321 Fuel System differences)

Tail Strike ... 11.2 Degrees Pitch  (PFD Visual and Aural Warnings)

A321 Review

​​​      REQUIRED OPERATIONAL APPS  ---   (AERODATA 2.0.9)    (FD Pro X 4.5.2)    (HOTs 2.4.2)    (JETCRW 2.1.2)    (Comply365 6.1.0)             OTHER--- (IOS 16.2.0)   (WSI 2022.1.0)