The following is only a brief bullet point overview of A320 Cat 1,2,3 approaches and is not meant to replace any training provided by JetBlue. Your FOM, FCOM, etc always has priority over anything presented on this site.
I hope this will help clear up any confusion you may have, and show a few of the differences.
E190 and A220 procedures will vary.
Do you really understand how all this comes together??
Remember, all approaches require a decision to continue at or before minimums.
The difference is how you make that decision.
In a CAT 1, 2 & 3A, the final decision to continue is made by the PF looking for the runway.
In a CAT 3 (B or C), the final decision to continue is made by the PF (Captain) electronically.
Naturally, even below minimums, there are other factors that would require a Go-Around.
If only Touchdown RVR is reported, that means Midfield and Rollout are equal or greater.
If RVR is not reported at all, and it is not NOTAMed, then you can assume RVR is greater than 5000'.
CAT 1- Our every day ILS
Minimums are about 200’ above TDZE entered in the BARO field from chart.
Required Visibility is generally TDZ RVR 1800-2400 or ½ mile.
Must see RWY environment to land – PM Calls “Runway” – PF “Landing”
If fact, remember this is the only ILS, where the PM calls "Approach Lights" / "Runway"
Seat height adjustment is important.
“100 Above” and “Minimums” called in reference to BARO Altimeter.
Reduction of lighting usually results in higher Visibility Requirements
CAT 2 – We use this if a Cat 3 is not available due to a variety of reasons.
The Minimums entered will vary, but will result in 100’ to 150' above TDZE.
In the example below:
The RA 139' is entered in the RADIO field as a DH from chart.
At that point, you are at 515' MSL, which is 100' above the TDZE of 415' MSL.
If chart states RA NA, usually due to terrain – Enter DA Minimums in BARO filed.
- Callouts are made from Baro Altimeter.
- Minimums are called at the IM, but no later
than the BARO minimum.
- See Example Below:
- 1335 "100 Above", IM/1235 "Minimums"
Required Visibility is usually TDZ RVR 1000-1200-1600 (Ref App Chart & Chap 7)
Must see RWY environment to land – Capt Calls “Landing”
Seat height adjustment is extra important on a CAT 2. (Common Error)
First officer must monitor instruments, as Capt is now looking outside.
Approach lights are required to be operational, but there is no required callout.
Some RVR adjustments allowed for inop TDZ or CL lighting. (Ref Chap 7 CAT 2/3)
Autoland is Required
CAT 3A – Fail Passive (FMA – CAT 3 Single)(A single failure may require a Missed Approach)
Until notified, you still cannot do a CAT 3 Approach, with FMA CAT 3 Single or CAT 2.
Current guidance will drive you to a CAT 2 if (CAT 3 Single or CAT 2 is displayed)
We are adding this SOP soon to allow more choices for diversion airports.
This approach is flown very similar to a CAT 2, but to lower minimums.
(When this is approved) Minimums will be 50’ entered in RADIO field as DH.
Required Visibility will be TDZ RVR 600’ to 700’ (Ref Chap 7 when updated)
Must see RWY environment to land – Capt Calls “Landing”
Approach lights are required to be operational, but there is no required callout.
There is no visibility adjustments available for inop lighting.
Autoland is Required
CAT 3B – Fail Operational (FMA – CAT 3 DUAL)(A single failure below 100' will still allow an autoland.)
This is the same Cat 3 we have always been trained to do. (No Changes)
Minimums are entered as NO DH in RADIO field. (“ALERT” height called at an RA of 100')
Required Visibility is (TDZ – MID – RO) RVR 600’ (Ref Chap 7)
Capt calls “Landing” after FO “ALERT” callout if no failures or Autoland light.
There is no requirement to see the runway. Do not call “Approach Lights” or “RUNWAY”.
Approach lights are required to be operational, but there is no required callout.
Autoland is Required
CAT 3C – Fail Operational (FMA – CAT 3 DUAL)(A single failure below 100' will still allow an autoland.)
This is the same Cat 3 we have always been trained to do, but to 300’ RVR.
Minimums are entered as NO DH in RADIO field. (“ALERT” height called at 100; RA)
Required Visibility is (TDZ – MID – RO) RVR 300’ (Ref Chap 7)
Capt calls “Landing” after FO “ALERT” callout if no failures or Autoland light.
There is no requirement to see the runway. Do not call “Approach Lights” or “RUNWAY”.
Approach lights are required to be operational, but there is no required callout.
Autoland is Required.
Transition from Rollout to Runway turnoff should be well briefed and assisted by the FO.
300 RVR Taxi will be very difficult. Brief SMGCS Chart, AMM Taxi Chart, Holding Spots, etc.
If in doubt as to your location, stop, set brakes, then communicate with Gnd Control.
Gate parking may require a TOW-IN.
CAT 1 Cat 2 CAT 3 - ABC
Fail Operational vs Fail Passive ??
MDA / DH / AH / BARO / RADIO / RA ??
RVR 1800 / 1200 / 600 / 300 ??
Do I have to see the Runway ??
What are the required Call outs??
REQUIRED OPERATIONAL APPS --- (AERODATA 2.0.9) (FD Pro X 4.5.2) (HOTs 2.4.2) (JETCRW 2.1.2) (Comply365 6.1.0) OTHER--- (IOS 16.2.0) (WSI 2022.1.0)
Understanding CAT 1, 2, & 3 ABC Approaches